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hi friends!

did you all survive the christmas break good?

i wish you all a happy, healthy, joyful, new year with many new experiences and challenges. how did you celebrate christmas and new years eve? write it down below in the comments, and share it with me, i'd be happy to hear all the stories!

i celebrated my first christmas in America with American traditions, and it was really fun! we opened our presents on December 25th and not December 24th, like in Germany.

and did you know that a really popular tradition here is that you lay presents under the christmas tree before christmas? they are from all your relatives, but you are not allowed to open them until christmas, it was torture!!

at new years eve y host family organized a big party with a lot of friends, and i invited some friends, too.

we played games, talked, ate, and counted down to midnight. the only tradition from Germany, which i really missed here, was firework. nobody made any fireworks or anything! but yeah, i think we are not allowed here to make noise, except on July 4th.

we have school today again. :( my German friends have break till thursday, but oh well.

i wish you all a great start into the new year!

love you all.

xoxo, jusa 💖

oh and btw, on the picture, that's me with my best friends here.

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